Characteristic of a Computer


       Characteristics of a Computer

characteristics about computer are:
High Speed
Computer is a very fast device.
It is capable of performing calculation of very large amount of data.
The computer has units of speed in microsecond, nanosecond, and even the picoseconds.
It can perform millions of calculations in a few seconds as compared to man who will spend many months for doing the same task.
In addition to being very fast, computers are very accurate.
The calculations are 100% error free.
Computers perform all jobs with 100% accuracy provided that correct input has been given.
Storage Capability
Memory is a very important characteristic of computers.
A computer has much more storage capacity than human beings.
It can store large amount of data.
It can store any type of data such as images, videos, text, audio and many others.

Unlike human beings, a computer is free from monotony, tiredness and lack of concentration.
It can work continuously without any error and boredom.
It can do repeated work with same speed and accuracy.
A computer is a reliable machine.
Modern electronic components have long lives.
Computers are designed to make maintenance easy.
Reduction in Paper Work
The use of computers for data processing in an organization leads to reduction in paper work and results in speeding up a process.
As data in electronic files can be retrieved as and when required, the problem of maintenance of large number of paper files gets reduced.
Reduction in Cost
Though the initial investment for installing a computer is high but it substantially reduces the cost of each of its transaction.

No I.Q
A computer is a machine that has no intelligence to perform any task.
Each instruction has to be given to computer.
A computer cannot take any decision on its own.
It functions as per a user’s instruction, so it is fully dependent on human being
The operating environment of computer should be dust free and suitable.
No Feeling
Computers have no feelings or emotions.
It cannot make judgment based on feeling, taste, experience, and knowledge unlike a human being.

Characteristic of a Computer Characteristic of a Computer Reviewed by Unknown on 08:50:00 Rating: 5

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