Microsoft Excel

Office Clipboard: this is a panel which Ms Excel (Microsoft Excel)
It is an electronic spread sheet program of office package use to tabulation work or calculation based work. Like product analysis, billing, mark sheet creation accounting.
Ms excel - workbook
File extension - .xls
File contains - work sheets
Used to store numeric data

Starting Microsoft Excel:
Ø      Start All Programs Ms office   Microsoft Excel
Ø      Start run type “excel” Ok.

v     Workbook: It is collection of many worksheets. Excel has three default worksheet.
v     Worksheets is made of many rows and column and also called “spreadsheet.”
v     There are 256 columns and 65536 rows in a work sheet
v     On the worksheet intersection of a row and a columns is called is cell.
v     Each cell has s specific address, which is combination of number and letter For Example; A1, E10.
v     On the work sheet a thick Rectangle box represents currently selected or “Active cell”.
v     Name Box indicates, what cell you are in. (Active Cell)
v     Formula bar indicate the contents of the cell selected, if you have created a formula, the formula will appear in this space.
Row: A row is a series of data banks laid out in a horizontal fashion in a table or spreadsheet.
Columns : Vertical parts of the spared sheet or worksheet.
Cell : Intersection point of row and column is called cell.
Value : Numeric entry of a cell is called Value.
Label : Set of character is called Label.
Address Bar : Address bar is the left part of the formula bar, also called name box.
Cell Pointer: The cell pointer in Excel is the active cell or the selected cell and is highlighted by a bolder rectangle. The location of the cell pointer is listed below the tool bar to the left of the formula bar. By using the arrow keys on the keyboard or pointing and clicking on the desired cell, you can move the pointer.
Data Range: Selected area of the data.
Scroll Bar:
1)     Horizontal Scroll Bar (Left to Right)
2)     Vertical Scroll Bar (Up to Down)

File Menu:

New : Open New workbook (File).
Open : By default opens "My Documents" folder to open an existing workbook. You can browse to other folder or drive to open an existing file.
Close : Closes the active document but does not quit the application.
Save : saves the active document with its current file name, location and format.
Save as : Saves the active file with a different file name, location or file format.
Save as Web Page : Enables to save the currently open worksheet as a web page.
Search:  Enables to search for a file or document on the user's computer or on the network.
Page Setup: Enable setting up width, height, margins, orientation, header, footer, and orientation etc. of worksheets in the workbook.
Print Area: Enables setting up or clearing the print area of the worksheet.
Print Preview: Displays print preview of the worksheet.
Print : Prints the active file, also gives the opportunity to change print options.
Properties: Displays the property sheet for the active file.
Exit : Closes Microsoft Excel

Edit Menu:
Undo (Ctrl + Z): this is to undo or cancel or delete or discard the last action you have done within our document.
Redo (Ctrl + Y): this is to redo the action that you have undo in the document.
Cut (Ctrl + X): to move selected content from one location to another using cut and paste
Copy (Ctrl + C).: this is to make duplicate copy of the selected content in your document using copy and paste options.
contains the slots of contents that have been cut or copied. It can contain 24 multiple different contents.
Paste (Ctrl + V): this is to paste the selected content that has been selected using cut or copy option.
Paste Special: Ten choices are available when making this selection; examples include pasting formulas, values, and comments.
1)     All : Pastes the cell’s contents, formats, and data validation from the Windows Clipboard.
2)     Formulas : Pastes formulas, but not formatting.
3)     Values : Paste only values not the formulas.
4)     Formats : Pastes only the formatting of the source range.
5)     Comments : Pastes the comments with the respective cells.
6)     Validation : Paste validation applied in the cells.
7)     All except borders : Pastes everything except borders that appear in the source range.
8)     Column Width : Pastes formulas, and also duplicates the column width of the copied cells.
9)     Formulas & Number Formats : Pastes formulas and number formatting only.
10)Values & Number Formats : Pastes the results of formulas, plus the number
Fill: Fill contents of a selected cell Up, Down, Left or Right. It is also use to make a series of any number.
Clear: Deletes the selected object or text, but does not place it on the clipboard. Four choices are available; All, Format, Contents or Comments.
Delete:  This menu entry can be used to delete entire rows or columns.
Delete Sheet:  This option use to delete sheet. You cannot undo this command.
Move or copy Sheet: Moves or copies the selected sheets to another workbook or to different location with in the same workbook.
Find: Search selected cells or sheets for the characters you specify and selects the first cell that contains those characters.
Replace: Search for and replace the specified text and formatting.
Go to: Scrolls through the worksheet and select the cell, range or cell with special characteristics you specify.

View Menu:
Normal: This Option shows the actual view of Ms Excel.
Page Break Preview: Switches the active worksheet to page break preview, which is an editing view that displays your worksheet as it will print. In page break preview, you can move page breaks by dragging them left, right, up or down. Ms excel automatically scales the worksheet to fit the columns and rows to the page.
Task pane: Displays the task pane, an area where you can create new files, search for information, views the contents of the clipboard, and perform other tasks.
Toolbars: Hide or show the different toolbars.
Formula Bar: Displays or hides the formula bars.
Status Bar: Show or hides the status bars.
Header and Footer : Adds or changes the text that appears at the top and bottom of every page or slide.
Comments : Turns display of comments on the worksheet on or off.
Custom Views : Create different views of a worksheet. A view provides an easy way to see you data with different options. You can display, print and store different views without saving them as separate sheets.
Full Screen : hides most screen elements so that you can view more of your document. To witch back to your previous view, click Full Screen or press ESC.
Zoom : Controls how large or small the current file appears on the screen.

Insert Menu :
Cells  : Use this command to insert a cell. A pop-up window allows you to move existing data down or to the right. You can also insert rows or columns with this window.
Rows : Inserts a new row in the spreadsheet, above the row that contains the active cell.
Columns : Inserts a new column in the spreadsheet, to the left of the column that contains the active cell.
Worksheet : By default, an Excel workbook is made up of three worksheets. You may insert as many additional sheets as you require. Sheets are inserted in front of the current worksheet.
Chart : This adds a chart of the selected data, or of the entire worksheet if you have no data selected.
Page Break : Inserts page breaks above and to the left of the active cell. To avoid adding a page break to the left, make sure a cell in Column A is selected before inserting the break.
Function : Opens the Paste Function window allowing the selection of a specific equation to go in the active cell.
Count and Sum: The most used functions in Excel are the functions that count and sum. You can count and sum based on one criteria or multiple criteria.
Logical: Learn how to use Excel's logical functions such as the IF, AND and OR function.
Cell References: Cell references in Excel are very important. Understand the difference between relative, absolute and mixed reference, and you are on your way to success.
Date & Time: To enter a date in Excel, use the "/" or "-" characters. To enter a time, use the ":" (colon). You can also enter a date and a time in one cell.
Text: Excel has many functions to offer when it comes to manipulating text strings.
Lookup & Reference: Learn all about Excel's lookup & reference functions such as the VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH, and INDEX and CHOOSE function.
Financial: This chapter illustrates Excel's most popular financial functions.
Statistical: An overview of some very useful statistical functions in Excel.
Round: This chapter illustrates three functions to round numbers in Excel. The ROUND, ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN function.
10 Formula Errors: This chapter teaches you how to deal with some common formula errors in Excel.
11 Array Formulas: This chapter helps you understand array formulas in Excel. Single cell array formulas perform multiple calculations in one cell.
To count the number of cells that contain numbers, use the COUNT function.

To count cells based on one criteria (for example, higher than 9), use the following COUNTIF function.

To sum a range of cells, use the SUM function.

To sum cells based on one criteria (for example, higher than 9), use the following SUMIF function (two arguments).


Logical Function :

If Function
The IF function checks whether a condition is met, and returns one value if TRUE and another value if FALSE.
1. Select cell C2 and enter the following function.
The IF function returns Correct because the value in cell A1 is higher than 10.

And Function
The AND Function returns TRUE if all conditions are true and returns FALSE if any of the conditions are false.
1. Select cell D2 and enter the following formula.
And Function
The AND function returns FALSE because the value in cell B2 is not higher than 5. As a result the IF function returns Incorrect.

Or Function
The OR function returns TRUE if any of the conditions are TRUE and returns FALSE if all conditions are false.
1. Select cell E2 and enter the following formula.
Or Function
The OR function returns TRUE because the value in cell A1 is higher than 10. As a result the IF function returns Correct.

3. Cell references
Cell references in Excel are very important. Understand the difference between relative, absolute and mixed reference, and you are on your way to success.
Relative Reference
By default, Excel uses relative reference. See the formula in cell D2 below. Cell D2 references (points to) cell B2 and cell C2. Both references are relative.
Relative Reference Example
1. Select cell D2, click on the lower right corner of cell D2 and drag it down to cell D5.
Relative Reference Result
Cell D3 references cell B3 and cell C3. Cell D4 references cell B4 and cell C4. Cell D5 references cell B5 and cell C5. In other words: each cell references its two neighbors on the left.

Absolute Reference
See the formula in cell E3 below.
1. To create an absolute reference to cell H3, place a $ symbol in front of the column letter and row number of cell H3 ($H$3) in the formula of cell E3.
Absolute Reference Example

2. Now we can quickly drag this formula to the other cells.
Absolute Reference Result
The reference to cell H3 is fixed (when we drag the formula down and across). As a result, the correct lengths and widths in inches are calculated.

Mixed Reference
Sometimes we need a combination of relative and absolute reference (mixed reference).
1. See the formula in cell F2 below.
Mixed Reference Example
2. We want to copy this formula to the other cells quickly. Drag cell F2 across one cell, and look at the formula in cell G2.
Mixed Reference Example
Do you see what happens? The reference to the price should be a fixed reference to column B. Solution: place a $ symbol in front of the column letter of cell B2 ($B2) in the formula of cell F2. In a similar way, when we drag cell F2 down, the reference to the reduction should be a fixed reference to row 6. Solution: place a $ symbol in front of the row number of cell B6 (B$6) in the formula of cell F2.
Mixed Reference Example
Note: we don't place a $ symbol in front of the row number of B2 (this way we allow the reference to change from B2 (Jeans) to B3 (Shirts) when we drag the formula down). In a similar way, we don't place a $ symbol in front of the column letter of B6 (this way we allow the reference to change from B6 (Jan) to C6 (Feb) and D6 (Mar) when we drag the formula across).
3. Now we can quickly drag this formula to the other cells.
Mixed Reference Result
The references to column B and row 6 are fixed.

4. Date and Time Function :
To enter a date in Excel, use the "/" or "-" characters. To enter a time, use the ":" (colon). You can also enter a date and a time in one cell.
Date and Time in Excel
Note: Dates are in US Format. Months first, Days second. This type of format depends on your windows regional settings. Learn more about Date and Time formats.
Year, Month, Day
To get the year of a date, use the YEAR function.
Year Function
Note: use the MONTH and DAY function to get the month and day of a date.
Date Function
1. To add a number of days to a date, use the following simple formula.
Add Days

2. To add a number of years, months and/or days, use the DATE function.Hour Function
Note: use the MINUTE and SECOND function to return the minute and second.
Time Function
To add a number of hours, minutes and/or seconds, use the TIME function.
Add Hours, Minutes and Seconds
Note: Excel adds 2 hours, 10 + 1 = 11 minutes and 70 - 60 = 10 seconds.

Statistical Functions
This chapter gives an overview of some very useful statistical functions in Excel.

Comment: Have something to say about the contents of a cell? Add a small note with the appearance of a Post-It note.
Picture :  Insert pictures from clip art or a file. You can also insert auto shapes, word art, or a chart.
Diagram : Creates an organization chart or a cycle, radial, pyramid,  or target diagram in your document.
Object : Insert an object such as clip art, word art, an equation or much more.
Hyperlink : An interesting use of hyperlinks is to place a link to any document stored on your computer. You can later open that document by clicking on the link.

Format Menu :
Cells : Format the way a number is displayed; alignment of data in the cell(s), font (size, color, style, etc.), borders and colors for the selected cells, and you may also lock the contents of a cell here.
Row : Specify a row height, choose auto-fit, and hide or un - hide the selected row.
selected column, or choose the standard width for a column.
Sheet : Here you can rename the sheet if sheet 1 is not descriptive enough (and it's not), you can hide or un - hide a sheet, or you can tile an image in the background of the entire sheet.
Auto Format : There are sixteen pre-designed formats to change the look of your spreadsheet. You may apply the format to the entire sheet or only to selected cells.
Conditional Formatting : This option is used to apply formatting in selected area according to given condition.
Style : Opens a Style window which will lead to the Format Cells window if you wish to Modify the format.

Tools Menu :
Spelling : Checks spelling in the active document, file workbook or item.
Error Checking : Checks the active Worksheets for errors.
Track Change :
Ø      Highlight Changes : Highlights changes to cell contents in a shared workbook, including moved and pasted contents and inserted and delete rows and columns.
Ø      Track changes accept or reject changes: Finds and selects each tracked in a documents so that you can review, accept or reject the change.
Compare and Merge Workbook: Combines changes from multiple copies of a shared workbook into one workbook.
Goal Seek : This option is used to get a target value without changing the formula.
Scenarios :  This option is used to fix value in cell according to different Scenarios.
Formula Auditing : This Option mathematical relation between cells.

Data Menu :
Sort : Arranges the information in selected rows or lists alphabetically, numbering or by date.
Filter : This options used to filter data according to the choice.
Form :
Subtotal : Calculates subtotal and Grand total value for the labeled columns you select. Ms Excel automatically inserts and labels the total rows and outlines the list.
Validation : This option is used to set a validation in selected area.
Table : create a data table based on input values and formulas you define. Data tables can be used to show the results of changing value in your formulas.
Convert Text to table: Converts the selected text to a table.
Consolidate : This option is use to applied a formula in different sheet value and show the result the different sheet.
Group an Outline: Group and Outline enables to group or un-group rows containing details data from rows containing totals for such rows. The Outline enables to outline the range containing details data and summary data. The symbols '1','2','3','+','-' enable to show / hide details rows and / or the range.
Pivot table and pivot chart report: Starts the pivot table and pivot chart wizard, which guides you through creating or modifying a pivot table or pivot chart report.

Window Menu :
New Window : Opens a new window with the same contents as the active window so you can view different parts of a file at the same time.
Compare side by side:
Arrange : Displays all open files in separate windows on the screen. The arrange command makes it easier to drag between files.
Hide : Hides the active workbook window. A hidden window remains open.
Unhide: Displays hidden workbook window.
Split : Splits the active window into panes, or removes the split from the active window.
Freeze Panes : This option freeze the area of sheet from the selected point. 
Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel Reviewed by Up bord 2020 on 19:33:00 Rating: 5

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