MS –DOS & Commamd

 MS –DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating                               System
Disk Operating System (DOS): It was developed as early as 1980 by Bill Gates at the age of 19. It is suited for personal computers. Dos is a single user and single task operating system it is use to operate the computer this operating system

consist of command line interfacing. Every operating system has three basic primary functions one is operate and control hardware second is file management and third run a program.
There are two types of commands:
  1. Internal Command
  2. External Command
How to Start DOS:-
v     Start→Run→Type “Command Prompt” or “CMD” →Enter
v     Statrt→ All Program→ Accessories→ Command Prompt→ Enter
The DOS Prompt consist the default drive letter and character “>” Ex. C:\> is the DOS Prompt that denotes C as the default drive.
Internal Command: Internal Command moves to RAM/Computer memory from disk at booting time.
Internal Command are the simplest, most commonly used commands and executes immediately because they are part of a file, named “COMMAND.COM”

Followings are some Internal Commands:-
CD.., CD\, Ver(Version), Vol(Volume), Date, Time, CLS, Exit, COPY CON, File Save, Type, Del, REN, Edit, MD, RD, CD, DIR etc.
CD.. : This command is use to come out to the root directory step by step.
Syntax: CD..
Example:    C:\> Documents and Setting\SK>CD..
                        C:\> Documents and Setting>CD..

CD\ : This command is use to come out to the root directory at once.
Syntax: CD\
Example:    C:\> Documents and Setting\SK>CD\

VER: This command is use to display version of operating system.
Syntax: VER
Example: C:\>VER
Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

Vol: This command is use to Displays the disk volume label and serial number.
Syntax: Vol
Example: C:\>Vol
Volume in drive C is JAI
Volume Serial Number is 3E42-1907

DATE: This command is use to display and set system date.
Syntax: DATE
Example: C:\>Date
                        The Current Date is : Sun 15/12/2015
                        Enter the New Date <mm-dd-yy>

TIME: This command is use to display and set system time.
Syntax: TIME
Example: C:\>Time
The Current time is : 11:15:20:16
                        Enter the New time : 12:50:15:05

CLS: This command is use to clear the screen.
Syntax: CLS
Example: C:\>CLS

EXIT: This command is use to come out side from the DOS screen.
Syntax: EXIT
Example: C:\>EXIT

COPY CON: This command is use to create a new text file.
Syntax: Copy Con
Example:    C:\>Copy Con <File Name>
                        C:\>Copy Con SK
File Save : This command is use to File Save.
Syntax: F6 or Ctrl+Z
Example:    C:\>Copy Con SK
A clock in a office can never get stolen
Too many employees watch it all the time Z

Type: This command is use to display the contents or text of any file to the display device.
Syntax: Type
Example:    C:\>Type
A clock in a office can never get stolen
Too many employees watch it all the time

REN(Rename): This command is use to rename the file.
Syntax: REN
Example:    C:\>REN <Old File Name><New File Name>
                        C:\>REN SK RAJ
DEL: This command is use to delete a particulars file or group of file.
Syntax: DEL
Example:    C:\>DEL <File Name>
                        C:\>DEL SK
DELTREE : This command is use to delete directory and all the sub- directories and file in it.
Example:    C:\>DELTREE <Directory Name>
                        C:\>DELTREE Temp

TREE: This command is use to show all director and its sun- directory in tree form.
Syntax: TREE
Example:    C:\>TREE

EDIT : It is Used for opening the file in a editor. Editing & Modifications can be done in the editor.
Syntax: EDIT
Example:    C:\>EDIT <File Name>
                        C:\>EDIT SK

MD: This command is use to make a directory. We need to give the name.
Syntax: MD
Example:    C:\>MD <Directory Name>
                        C:\>MD India

CD: This Command is use to go inside the directory.
Syntax: CD
Example:    C:\>CD <Directory Name>
                        C:\>CD India

RD: Means Remove Directory. It is used to remove the directory, before that directory must be empty.
Syntax: RD <Directory Name>
Example:    C:\>RD <Directory Name>
                        C:\>RD India

DIR : This Command is use to display all directories on the screen.
Syntax: DIR
Example:    C:\>DIR
                        C:\>DIR/P                -          Page wise
                        C:\>DIR/W               -          Page Width Wise
                        C:\>DIR/A                -          Show all files & Directories
                        C:\>DIR/S                -          Show the Directories, sub directories & File
                        C:\>DIR/OS/P         -          Size Wise
C:\>DIR/ON/P        -          Alphabetically (A-Z)

External commands: External commands are known as Disk residence commands. Because they can be store with DOS directory or any disk which is used for getting these commands. Theses commands help to perform some specific task. These are stored in a secondary storage device. Some important external commands are given below-

SYS: This command is used for copy system files to any disk. The disk having system files are known as Bootable Disk, which are used for booting the computer.
Syntax: SYS
Example:    C:\>SYS < Drive Name>←
                        C:\>SYS A: ←
CHKDSK : This command is used to check the status of a disk and show the report of result status.
Syntax : CHKDSK
Example: C:\>CHKDSK

DISKCOPY:  DISKCOPY copies the contents of a floppy disk to another.
Example: C:\> DISKCOPY  <Drive1>  <Drive2>
                     C:\> DISKCOPY  A:   B:
This command will be copy all contents of A drive to B drive.

Format : This command is used to Disk Format
Syntax : Format
Example:    C:\>Format <Drive Name>
                        C:\>Format A:

Number System:- Number system place an important role in design, organization and understanding of computer, Computer programming based on number system.
            There are four types of number system.
  1. Binary Number System
  2. Octal Number System
  3. Decimal Number System
  4. Hexadecimal Number System
MS –DOS & Commamd MS –DOS & Commamd Reviewed by Unknown on 21:02:00 Rating: 5

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