Printer & Memory

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Printer is an output device, which is used to provide output on paper i.e., through printer we can get every type of output on a paper; (printing on the paper is called creating a hard copy). Printer falls into three basic categories defined by the amount of printed output that device produces during single operation.
They are as follows:
(I)            Page Printer.
(II)       Line Printer.
(III)   Character Printer.

Page Printer
Page printer prints the entire page at once. It produces complete page image as a single operation they produce the image by LASER beam or electrostatic methods. Image quality is sufficiently high for business correspondence.
Line Printer
Line printer produces one line at a time, i.e., it produces a line of characters all at once. The length of the line varies with the requirements of the application. Most of the line printer produces 120 to 144 characters per line. This printing is accomplished by passing the paper through the printer, which use a moving belt or chain containing the complete character set.

Character Printer
Character printer produces one character at a time. It forms one letter at a time on the paper. On the basis of printing process, printer is divided into two categories-
(I)            Impact Printer
(II)       Non-impact Printer

(III)   Non-impact Printer
Impact Printer
The printer, which prints by striking/impacting on the paper, is called impact printer. Impact printer uses print head like typewriter to hit on the ribbon (carrying ink), which is just above the paper, in this way the entire data is printed. Dot matrix printer is an example of impact printer.

Non – Impact Printer
The printer, which prints without impacting on the paper, is called non-impact printer. The non – impact printer does not use ribbon for printing. It uses cartridge or toner to print on the paper. Ink-jet and Laser printer are example of non – impact printer.


Speaker is an output device. One can hear sound through them.

Memory is a major factor in a computer system. Data and programs are stored in memory before any operation. Input device send data and instruction to CPU, which are first stored in memory and then processed by the control unit.
There are two types of memory:
(i)                Internal memory
(ii)              External memory

Internal Memory
The internal memory resized inside computer where data and programs are stored at the time of processing. There are two types of internal memory:
(i) Primary Memory
(ii) Secondary Memory
Primary Memory
The data and instructions supplied by the user are first stored in primary memory and after execution it can be stored in the secondary memory for the sake of retrieving/reusing the result in future. The primary memory is the part of processing device because without it the computer is not able to boot/work. Primary memory is also known as main memory. There are two type of primary memory:
(i)                RAM ( Random Access Memory )
(ii)              ROM (Read Only Memory)

RAM (Random Access Memory)
v     RAM stands for Random Access Memory. The data and instructions stored in RAM can be read over and over again without destroying them. Its data are destroyed if the power fails, the contains of RAM are lost if power supply is cut off, (due to this property/feature RAM is known as volatile memory). RAM is also known as main memory. RAM can be altered.
v It stands for Random Access Memory used to all processing of computer. It is also known as main memory and also known as Volatile memory.
Types of RAM
  1. Dynamic Ram (This memory stores data that are basically capacitors and Transistors.)
  2. Static Ram (This Memory is concept a very little memory that are basically flip plop.)

Some Other RAM is –
EDO (Extended Data out RAM)
SDRAM (Synchronous Data out RAM)
DDR-SD RAM (Double Data Rate Synchronous Data out RAM)

ROM (Read Only Memory)
v     ROM stands for Read Only Memory. ROM instruction is permanently built into circuitry by the manufacture of the program. A ROM can’t be altered. It is a permanently built in memory. It has no effect of electric current, when the power is lost the contains of ROM can’t be lost (due to this feature/property, ROM is known as non-volatile memory).
v     It stands for Read Only Memory. This memory has BIOS settings. It is also called non volatile memory.

Types of ROM
  1. PROM ( Programmable Read Only Memory)
  2. EPROM ( Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)
  3. EEPROM ( Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)

Secondary Memory
The secondary memory is basically used to store every data, which you want to reuse in future. It stores every data in the form of ‘File’. The secondary memory is a random access memory. It rotates at very high speed, to read/write data. Hard disk is an example of secondary memory.

This Memory is storage memory use to save the data. It is also known as “Auxiliary Memory”.
Hard Disk
It is the most essential storage media of computer. All the programs, software’s etc, which you needs, are stored in a hard disk It is fixed disk in the computer system. You can’t transfer the hard disk any where from the computer. It is a random access device.

External Memory
The memory, which is externally used to preserve/store data and programs are Called External memory. Floppy disk, CD ROM etc. is example of external memory. It is like secondary memory, but used externally.

Floppy Disk
Floppy disk is a external storage device. It is used to store data externally. You can carry it easily from one place to other place. Floppy disk is very popular device used for move/carry data from one place to other place or one computer system to other computer. It can store about 1.44 MB data at a time.
Types of Floppy
  • Mini Floppy  ( Size = Storage Capacity = 1.2MB)
  • Micro Floppy ( Size = Storage Capacity = 1.44MB)

CD Rom
CD ROM stands for Compact Disk Read Only Memory. It is a storage device. Its capacity is much greater than floppy disk. It is a kind of read only memory, Its storing capacity is about 750 MB. It is made up of optical fiber.
Now a day, re-writable CD is also available. You can write on a writable / re-writable CD by using a special device/ instrument called CD – RW (CD Rewriter).

Types of Memory According to Technology:
  • Magnetic Tap Memory
  • Optical Memory
1.      Magnetic Tap Memory: - It is most common technology of memory in this technology of memory data accept in “Sequential form” also called serial access.
It is storing capacity is high class but speed is slow.
Example: - floppy disk, hard disk.

2.     Optical Memory:- optical memory is a special technology to storing data. In this memory data accept in Random Access Memory is used track and stores data Read and write by the use of laser beam. This memory is the fast memory for the access.
Example: - CD ROM, DVD ROM.

Flash Memory:- Flash Memory is a memory chip that holds contend without power. Flash memory is cheaper. It is use to replace ROM BIOS.

Cache Memory: - This Memory is faster then all memories of RAM. Which is use to transfer data from RAM to processor.

Virtual Memory:- Some application software requires a lot of space of the time of processing. Then these type of applications used hard disk reserve space which is known as virtual memory.

Register: - It is a small circuit which are use to store data and memory location.

Bus: - The set of 8 small wires the data from one register to another register.
v     Address Bus
v     Data Bus
v     Control Bus
Clock: - The most useful important component of CPU which measure and allocate fix times lot for processing.

Printer & Memory  Printer & Memory Reviewed by Unknown on 20:21:00 Rating: 5

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