applications software

Types of applications software

Text Editor: - some applications software are designed to create a normal text file in these types software we can not format the document.
Example: - Notepad++, Notepad

Word Processor: Word processor is the applications software which are used to word processing.
Word processing is the technique of typing, editing, printing, formatting and other a lot of formatting and data manipulations facilities. This software is used to document work.  
Example: - M.S. Word, Word Star, Word Perfect.

Spread Sheet: -Spread Sheet is a facility to work a business on a sheet with rows and columns. In computer for the rows and columns work use a technical spread sheet also called electronic spread sheet. These applications used to create billing, accounting, product analyses, other statement, and reports like balance sheet.
Example: - M.S. Excel, Louts 1, 2, 3, Plain Perfect, Multiplan.

Data Base Application: - Business processes are always associated with a use amount of data. Some applications use to store manipulate, process, filter, and retrieved data according to the requirement is called data base applications.
Example: - M.S. Access, Oracle, FoxPro.

Presentations Applications:-These type of applications which are use to technical presentations. Presentation is the technique of presenting any thing in systematic manner.
Example: - Flash, power point.

Data, Information, File and data Base: - Data and the information’s are the two basic components of any information system. Data is defined as a set of basic facts and entire. Which itself has no meaning or value.
Example: - 5000 is a data of employee’s salaries which itself has no meaning. On is defined as that data which has same meaning or value.

The personal data as employee’s names and their basic salaries represented as “Komal” 5000 etc. is information because it has some meaning.

File is a group of related records in a data base.
Example: - A group of personal records of all the employees of a company is a file.

Types of Computer

On the basis of Size: On the basis of size computer are classified in to four types:-


Micro computers are also called Personal Computer or PC which are mostly preferred by the home users. These computers are lesser in cost than any other computer. It is small in size and can easily arrange it to fit in your single bedroom with its all accommodation. It is the most popular computer in all.

Example:- Desktop, notebook or laptop, tablet computer, smart phones and notebook.

Mini computer: 

This computer is next in line but offers less than mainframe in work and performance. These are the computers which are mostly preferred by the small type of business personals, colleges etc.

Example:- AS400,BULLHN-DPX2, HP9000 & RISC 6000

Mainframe computer

Mainframe computers are large computers which processes at high speed and occupied a large space. This has a large capacity to handle huge number of records. More than 100 people can work at a time and communicate with different countries with wide area networks via satellite.

Example:-CDC 6600 and IBM ES000 series

Super computer

Super computers are the biggest in size, the most expensive in price than any other computer. This computer is not used as a PC in a home neither by a student in a college. Governments specially use this type of computer for their different calculations and heavy jobs. Different industries also use this huge computer for designing their products. It is also used in Hollywood movies for animation purposes.

The first super computer was developed in U.S.A. by CRAY computers. In India the indigenous super computer was developed under the name Param.

Example:- CRAY-1

On the basis of Application

1. Analog computers: The computer, which can measure changes in continuous physical & electrical state such as pressure, temperature, voltage, length etc. is called analog computer. Analog computers are used for scientific and engineering purposes. A slide rule or a car speedometer is example of analog device.


2. Digital Computers: The computer which represents data by “ON” and “OFF” status is called digital computer. Electronic circuitry characters are stored in the binary rotation which is consists of “0” and “1”, (and is known as bit, the smallest unit of data). A digital Computer converts data to binary form in order to process it. It is used in data or information processing activities.


3. Hybrid Computers: The combined effect of analog and digital computer is known as hybrid computer. This system combines the measuring capabilities of the analog computer and logical and central capabilities of the digital Computer.

On the basis of Purpose

1) Special Purpose Computers and

2) General Purpose Computers

1 Special Purpose Computers: These are developed with a specific purpose. Some of the areas where these computers are being used are – soil testing, drip irrigation, medical scanning, traffic signals, spacecraft, rocket technology etc.

2) General Purpose Computers: These are developed to meet the requirements of several areas such as simulation, solving mathematical equations, payroll and personnel database.

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