

Notepad is a text editor, which is a program similar to a word processor but cannot perform any special editing. No embedded codes are inserted into the document.
Text files also called: unformatted text files and ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange).
    1. Start → Programs → Accessories → Notepad
    2. Run →Type “Notepad” →ok

 With Notepad, you can:
• Create simple text documents
• Multi-tasking/create/edit batch files
• Print a file
Features of Notepad:
1. Notepad has minimal editing features.
2. Notepad has word wrap which prevents text from running over into the margins and automatically moves text to the next line.
3. Used to create/save/open/edit file.
4. Can create time log.
5. Within Notepad – cut, copy, and paste text.
6. Copy data to Notepad from other files.
7. Copy Notepad text to other word processing text or database document.

Microsoft Paint (Ms Paint)
Paint is a graphics application program used to create drawings or images.
Can only create/edit bitmap graphics (.bmp)

Starting System
Statrt→ All Program→ Accessories→ paint→ Enter
Start→Run→Type “Mspaint” →Enter

The Tools:
Free-Form Select: Selects a free form cutout in a drawing.
Select: Selects a rectangular cutout.
Erase/Color Eraser: Changes the foreground color to the background color.
Fill With Color: Fills a bordered area with the selected foreground color.
Pick Color: Picks a color in your drawing and uses it as your foreground color or background color.
Magnifier: Magnifies a selected area.
Pencil: Creates a free-form line.
Brush: Draws a free-form brush stroke.
Airbrush: Creates a spray can effect.
Text: Places text in the drawing.
Line: Draws a straight line.
Curve: Draws a straight line, and then curves it.
Rectangle: Creates a rectangle or square.
Polygon: Draws a shape with an unlimited number of sides.
Ellipse: Creates a circle or ellipse.
Rounded Rectangle: Creates a round-cornered rectangle or square.

To show hide Tools, Color box, Status bar:
1. Go to View menu.
2. Enable or disable required options by clicking at once.

Saving your work:
After finishing your work,
1. Go to file menu.
2. Click on save.
Or, Direct press Ctrl + S key.
To close and exit from paint:
After finishing your work,
1. Go to file menu.
2. click on close.
Or, Direct press Alt + f4 key.
1.      Then, click on yes, if you want to save and click on No, if you don't want to save.

To open the stored file:
1. Go to file menu.
2. Click on open, Direct press Ctrl + O key.
Then, Open dialog box will appear.
3. Type the required file name at file name box or, direct choose the required file, which you want to open.
4. Click on open.

To get new document:
1. Go to file menu.
2. Click on new.
Or, Direct press Ctrl + N key.
Then, New dialog box will appear.
3. Choose required document type.
4. Click on ok.

Importing existing image:
Go to edit menu → click on paste → paste from dialog box → choose reqd. image file → open.
To flip or rotate:
Select the reqd. figure → go to image menu → click on flip/ rotate → give your option & click on Ok.
To stretch or skew the image:
Go to image menu → stretch/skew → define needed value → ok
To set the bitmap as desktop wallpaper:
Go to file menu →click on Set as wallpaper → then selected bitmap will appear in your desktop.
To edit color:
Go to option menu →choose edit color →choose the color →click on Ok.
Go to file menu→ print.

Notepad Notepad Reviewed by Unknown on 20:40:00 Rating: 5

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